"Any activity when leads to Economic development, helps in transforming the society towards vibrancy" - says Shri. Anand G.Natekar, Sabhapathi TIE
Entrepreneurs, Farmers, self employed, Women & Youth are essential to the success of any economy. Together, they are the backbone of our Nation
"Come together and Grow together" - The theme of TIE.
Team TIE Foundation created collaborative business concept initiative that integrates Farmers, Entrepreneurs. Micro and Small Industries and Self employed to enhance their business. The opportunities are created for direct marketing and global exposure. Networking makes people get references and preferential business contact.
The platform allows all members to participate in various activates. Those include direct product marketing, Business promotion, investment and entrepreneurship opportunities, Skill Development, Export market exposure, etc.
Farmers Produces are processed and Packed at source by Farmer's Families to evolve as Entrepreneurs. This ensures the affection involved quality product reach the customers. These farmers are mentored and monitored by TIE for ancient natural way of farming. Also Form equipments manufactured by SMEs are reached to the farmers at source prices. The Micro industries with small activities are evaluated and brought to the direct marketing for betterment. This makes exposure of unique products to bigger market. The only alternative to come out of exploitation from multinational Brands is to create rural eco system.
A stronger Search Engine enables our members to show case their companies and products to the open market. The members units are promoted with video representation, digital media marketing. Export promotion also done as cluster based marketing.
The professionals, service providers, self employed people are listed to cater our group people needs. This ensures good service from known source with credential references. To name few like Tax consultants, Auditors, Lawyers, ISO & Project consultants, Industrial Plumbers, Electronic and Electricians, Transporters etc.
Job Needs
It is an Industry - Institute connecting initiation. The students are hand picked in Job melas and trained on job to suit the industry needs. The students also can upload their Resumes with details to get placement, the member Industries absorb these students in their units.
Group discussion window enables our members to share their thought, Drawings, requirements in single click to get solution.
BUY & Sell
Scrap generated by one industry might be the Raw material input for other, connecting both makes viable economic tie up. The used machineries and items are transacted without a middle man, It can also be Industrial sheds
The success of the concept leads to creation of jobs, income, and wealth for members and others in the society.
We Appeal you to join hands in building robust eco system to support ourselves. Pool of Each person's talent makes a ocean.